Thursday 18 November 2010

Brand Research

After doing my Inspirational board, two images that inspire me are related to dance music. Therefore I want to take the project in the direction of designing a Club Night/Brand. It will involve developing a logo for my brand. I will develop a Stage, Decorations, Art, Sculptures, Lighting and Performers to be present throughout the club. I want to make this an experience for people. I want them to come away from the night not just having enjoyed the music that was present but the other things on show, like optical illusional art/sculptures, lighting displays, and art work throughout the club.

I want the brand I develop to be iconic, like so many others that are at the minute. I have taken a look at some club logos/brands out there at the minute and analyzed what I think...

This is this Pacha logo which is brilliant. Pacha started as a club in Ibiza but has now branched out to several clubs throughout the world, it has a clothing label, hotels and restaurants. This iconic logo has lead the brand throughout.

I appreciate this logo, but for me it does not stand out to be as memorable as the others. Yes it has a nice font but this isn't enough to jump out and grab my attention or stand the test of time.
This is the logo for the night Chibuku shake shake, in Liverpool. The name is quite different, it comes from the name of a drink the owners came across whilst in thailand. I would like to come up with quite an original brand. Its quite an iconic logo for me, when I look at it I think of many ways it could be used as a prop in a club.

I like how the two C's of carl Cox's initials have been used to create wings and how this shape flows into the font that is used. Another memorable logo.

One of my favorite logo's of all time. Not for what it represents but how it looks. Its so simple! I look at it and hope that maybe someday I can create such an epic logo through such simplicity.

An example to what type of performers exist in club events today.

This is Kryoman, a human Robot performer who shoots lasers and pyrotechnics mid event.

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