Friday 19 November 2010

Brand Development

When trying to come up with a name I didn't want to come up with some generic name with no meaning behind it. Something that so many clubs and nights do. I wanted something that a theme could develop from. I started brain storming and wasn't really coming up with anything that out of the ordinary or different. 

I then looked at what I wanted this Club/Night to represent, what music it would pioneer and play. TECHNO. I looked into the origins of the word techno and found that techno was a character/villain from the Marvel Comic universe. There were two initial fictional characters that went by the name Fixer, the second character was a super-villain who adopted the alias of  Techno after many trials and tribulations, battling; the Fantastic Four, Micronauts, Spider Man, Captain America, Iron Man and Ka-Zar. 

The more I thought of the name Fixer, the more it grew on me. It had depth and meaning behind it. It had scope to draw a theme from. I had ideas of how I could use marvel comics as inspiration to create art and props around the club. I thought of cheesy catchphrases and tag lines (none of which I will use "get your fix" etc.) Something which I can look into and develop.

The original Fixer

The second super-villain Fixer


Illustrations/Artwork by Declan Shalvey, the creator of the Character Fixer giving us an Idea of how the Character developed into its final state.

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