Sunday 5 December 2010

Final Outcome

Flyer Design

To promote the brand/club I needed to create a flyer. I kept this quite simple, with an illustration consisting of various sketchy lines of different grades and thicknesses all with complementing colours; I used a font that I thought went well with the sketchy theme. I quite like the final outcome, as it is simple but yet attractive to the eye...

Artwork Designs

When creating the art work i wan't sure what I wanted to achieve through the final outcome but I did know it had to tie in with the Fixer comic theme. I took the character fixer and started to play around with the animation. What I found most effective was when I duplicated the character to make patterns and shapes. Here are various alternatives with and without the Fixer logo...

Colour Variations For Light/Screen Design.

After further developmant I realised i did not like the previous incomplete light shape I created, so I decided to complete the shape as a whole circle. Instead of just have one stagnant image in the centre I came up with the idea that this would be an LED screen, that would project various graphics and animation which related to Fixer. Here are some of the various images that could be displayed and various light sequences that I would use...

Sunday 28 November 2010

Stage Set Up

These are my initial plans developing towards the set up I will have on stage for the event.

Initially I came up with the Idea that I want the character Fixer to be represented onstage, so I created a basic vector Image of a proportion of his face. I then played about with shapes around it. I came up with the Idea that I want the shapes to be lights and the lights would change with music tempo throughout the event. I thought the vector image of Fixer was quite eerie, which I liked, it looks almost demoniac.

I then added silhouette screens for dancers to be behind, they would also change colour with light, in sequence with the rest of the lights. 

I decided to go with simple square silhouette screens instead of the other two shapes I first opted for. I also added light behind the DJ, which would change in sequence and colour with the other lighhts on stage. I wanted the light to come from behind the DJ so only the  silhouette again can be seen. Here are a few light colour variations that could be used.

I am quite happy with the initial stage set design, more will be added and subtracted but I like my initial direction with it all.

More Inspiration

Some Ideas in terms of visual representation onstage.

This is an image from the Plastikman show, another dance act. Richie Hawtin (Plastikamn) preforms from inside the cylinder. You cannot see from this image, but the cylinder from which he preforms within are LED screens that project images and lights, I will try to draw inspiration from this for my stage.

Just an idea how shapes and objects can appear and be lit onstage.
 A really cool image showing how basic lights are used in abundance within performance, showing how cool an effect they can have.

This is a really cool idea, it would be cool if we could compile various lights within the club to make a focal point. Or have variations or multiples of one light. It goes to show how lights can be used as art.

I really like how dancers in this image make silhouettes, the dancer isn't actually seen just the silhouette. I have an idea of using this onstage and the screen constantly changing colour in tempo with the music and in sequence with other lights.

Friday 19 November 2010

Stage Shpaes

I was out taking photo's of certain buildings for a different project. Whilst doing so I noticed some really cool shapes in the other architecture around me. This sparked some inspiration to the shapes I would like to be involved in the stage I will design....